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GRAND PACE Ro-Ro Vessel in Kanmon Straits

The ro-ro (roll on / roll off) vehicles carrier GRAND PACE passed through the Kanmon Straits of Japan on August 12, 2024.  This blue and white vessel was captured on digital film by Ship Freakazoid with an Olympus e520 DSLR with Zuiko 150mm lens.  Digital video footage was also recorded using a second-hand JVC Everio with 54x zoom Konica Minolta lens. 

Grand Pace roro automobile carrier
Grand Pace roro automobile carrier

IMO #: 9169328 
Vessel Name: GRAND PACE 
Type: Vehicles Carrier / Roll On - Roll Off Automobile Carrier 
Flag: Panama 
Gross Tonnage: 50309 
Summer Deadweight (t): 16669 
Length: 179 meters
Width: 32 meters 
Year Built: 1999


Japanese summers are notoriously hot and humid, but there was a pleasant sea breeze felt in Kokura (Kitakyushu) while Grand Pace was being photographed and recorded.

Grand Pace sailing past the Garden Paradise Kitakyushu
Grand Pace sailing past the Garden Paradise Kitakyushu

Vehicles Carrier sailing thru Japanese waters
Vehicles Carrier sailing thru Japanese waters

Ship Freakazoid would like to remind of a few things.

Older used cameras can take high resolution and exceptional photographs. Bells and whistles are great, but one does not have to mortgage their house to take satisfying photographs. Check out the many recycle shops in Garden Paradise Kitakyushu, or ones near your domicile. Look online and in auction or P2P sales apps for used cameras. 

There are amazing sights and viewpoints along the Kanmon Straits. When in the Kitakyushu / Shimonoseki region, definitely check them out. Besides the seemingly countless amazing ships that pass through daily, one can check out great historic sights, parks, restaurants, piers, fish markets, shopping centers, etc. The sub-culture and dark side of Kitakyushu is also all sorts of awesome. 

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