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SEABREEZE container ship sailing past Kitakyushu

SEABREEZE container ship sailing past Kitakyushu
SEABREEZE container ship sailing past Kitakyushu

On a lovely day in mid-June 2024, this vessel graced the famed Kanmon Straits. In the above photo, the tug Kanade (かなで) can be seen in the foreground, assisting the 200 meter cargo ship Seabreeze in navigating this narrow and heavily trafficked strait. 

Ship Freakazoid used his trusty old Olympus e520 DSLR to capture these ships on digital film in an artsy fartsy photograph which showcases the beauty of ships made by man and machine and the beautiful sky, sea, and greenery made by whoever or whatever made them. Regardless of what anyone believes, I'd wager the captains and crew of these vessels can appreciate the beauty of the Kanmon Straits and Garden Paradise Kitakyushu, and maybe even Shimonoseki, too.

コンテナ船 Seabreeze (シーブリーズ) & タグボート かなで (Kanade)
コンテナ船 Seabreeze (シーブリーズ) & タグボート かなで (Kanade)

Vessel Name: SEABREEZE 
Length: 200 meters (199.93 m) 
Width: 32 meters (32.2 m) 
IMO: 9472579 
Flag: Liberia 
MMSI: 636021108 
Type: Container Ship / Cargo 
Call Sign: 5LC12 
Gross Tonnage: 27,104 tons 
DWT: 33,508 tons 
TEU: 2,553 containers 
Home Port: Monrovia, Liberia
Year Built: 2010 A.D. 

Cargo ship Seabreeze being guided by tugboat Kanade thru Kanmon Strait
Cargo ship Seabreeze being guided by tugboat Kanade thru Kanmon Strait

Seabreeze is pretty from all angles. Here she is being led between the Japanese islands of Honshu and Kyushu by a Moji based tugboat. Despite the typical Kitakyushu haze, one can easily see how busy the strait is and the high volume of ships that travel thru it. 

This cargo ship was built in Japan by Naikai Zosen Corp. (内海造船株式会社). This shipbuilding company builds some very impressive vessels. Check out their homepage (Japanese) here:

Also, did you know???  MONROVIA.  Monrovia is the home port of Seabreeze.  It is also the capital of Liberia.  Now, Liberia sounds a lot like "liberty" or "liberate" now, doesn't it?  And, Monrovia sounds like it could be derived from "Monroe."  Also, if you look at Liberia's flag, it looks a lot like the flag of the U.S.A.  Keep reading, for a complimentary history lesson about the great port city of Monrovia, capital of Liberia in West Africa and the historical backgrounds of Liberia's name, flag, and capital are quite interesting. 

Its name comes from the Latin word "liber," meaning "free." Liberia was founded by the American Colonization Society (ACS) in the early 19th century as a settlement for freed African-American slaves. The name reflects the society's goal of providing a homeland where freed slaves could live as free people.

Liberia's flag is strikingly similar to the flag of the United States. It consists of horizontal stripes of red and white with a blue square in the upper left corner. Inside the blue square, there is a white star. The resemblance to the American flag is intentional, symbolizing Liberia's founding by freed slaves from the United States who sought to establish a nation based on American principles of liberty and freedom.

Monrovia, the capital city of Liberia, is named after James Monroe, who was the fifth President of the United States (1817-1825). President Monroe was a prominent supporter of the colonization of Liberia by freed slaves. The name "Monrovia" was chosen in honor of his efforts and contributions to the establishment of the ACS and its mission to create a homeland for freed African-Americans in Africa. It is primarily known as a port city and serves as Liberia's principal maritime gateway. Located on the Atlantic coast of Liberia, Monrovia's port is crucial for the country's economy, handling the majority of Liberia's imports and exports. It is situated at the mouth of the Mesurado River and features several wharves and docks that accommodate various types of vessels. Aside from its role as a port city, Monrovia is also the political, cultural, and economic hub of Liberia. It houses government buildings, financial institutions, educational institutions, markets, and a diverse array of businesses. The city has a mix of modern infrastructure and colonial-era architecture, reflecting its historical ties to the United States and its development over the years. Known for its vibrant markets, bustling streets, and lively atmosphere, Monrovia is home to a diverse population representing different ethnic groups from across Liberia and other parts of West Africa. The city has faced challenges such as civil unrest and economic difficulties in its history but continues to be a resilient center of activity and development in Liberia.

Oh, the things you can learn by researching what is painted on the stern of a container ship like Seabreeze!

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