SEABREEZE container ship sailing past Kitakyushu On a lovely day in mid-June 2024, this vessel graced the famed Kanmon Straits. In the above photo, the tug Kanade (かなで) can be seen in the foreground, assisting the 200 meter cargo ship Seabreeze in navigating this narrow and heavily trafficked strait. Ship Freakazoid used his trusty old Olympus e520 DSLR to capture these ships on digital film in an artsy fartsy photograph which showcases the beauty of ships made by man and machine and the beautiful sky, sea, and greenery made by whoever or whatever made them. Regardless of what anyone believes, I'd wager the captains and crew of these vessels can appreciate the beauty of the Kanmon Straits and Garden Paradise Kitakyushu, and maybe even Shimonoseki, too. コンテナ船 Seabreeze (シーブリーズ) & タグボート かなで (Kanade) Vessel Name: SEABREEZE Length: 200 meters (199.93 m) Width: 32 meters (32.2 m) IMO: 9472579 Flag: Liberia MMSI: ...
Ship spotting photographs and video of vessels sailing the Kanmon Straits of Japan between Kitakyushu and Shimonoseki. Accompanied with insightful details and meaningless commentary by Ship Freakazoid.