Ro-ro and container carrier Panstar Genie No. 2 is a common sight in the Kanmon Straits (Kanmon Sight?). Sanstar Line Co., Ltd. operates both a ferry service between Busan and Osaka as well as an impressive variety of cargo services. Panstar ships are always a pleasure to see while ship spotting the Kanmon Straits of Japan. PANSTAR GENIE NO.2 in Kanmon Staits going to Osaka, Japan In the above photo, Panstar Genie #2 can be seen approaching Moji, Kitakyushu and the Kanmon Bridge that connects the Japanese islands of Kyushu and Honshu. Any ships in the Panstar fleet are a welcome sight for Kitakyushites and Shimonosuckers alike. Heck, even tourists from faraway lands are happy to see them. Sanstar Line's Osaka-Busan Ferry PANSTAR GENIE NO. 2 The rust on the stern is charming and oh so very Osaka. This roro container ship was built in 2001 and might be due for some touch-up paint. What kind of paint is used on ships of this sort? Hmm... Pretty sure it is not Dutch Boy Paints! ...
Ship spotting photographs and video of vessels sailing the Kanmon Straits of Japan between Kitakyushu and Shimonoseki. Accompanied with insightful details and meaningless commentary by Ship Freakazoid.