Dongjin Fortune Korean Container Ship & Asuka II Japanese Cruise Ship DONGJIN FORTUNE (aka Dong Jin Fortune) is a container ship flying under the Korean flag that recently passed thru the Kanmon Strait on September 26, 2022. It was photographed from Moji, Kitakyushu with an Olympus e 520 camera equipped with 150mm Zuiko lens. The Kanmon Straits have around 600 ships travel thru daily. Dongjin ships are frequently seen passing thru. IMO: 9251145 9247302 Name: DONGJIN FORTUNE Vessel Type - Generic: Cargo Vessel Type - Detailed: Container Ship MMSI: 441236000 Call Sign: D7UJ Flag: Korea [KR] Gross Tonnage: 7683 Summer DWT: 10705 t Length Overall x Breadth Extreme: 130.36 x 20.03 m Year Built: 2002 Home Port: JEJU CHEJU DONGJIN FORTUNE Jeju Korea based container ship in the Kanmon Straits Dong Jin Fortune a Korean cargo ship Note: I noticed that Dongjin Fortune was passing through the Kanmon Strait...
Ship spotting photographs and video of vessels sailing the Kanmon Straits of Japan between Kitakyushu and Shimonoseki. Accompanied with insightful details and meaningless commentary by Ship Freakazoid.